DOG REVIEW!!!! by genevieve
these are the "bad brothers". they are very bad and also very very small--when we first arrived at asha guesthouse in bangkok each bad brother was no bigger than a 20 oz bottle of soda. this was on november second. since then we have been back three times and we have watched them grow in size and in badness. now they are each the size of a 2 litre bottle of soda. oh and also we learned that they were rescued from a nasty petshop at the weekend market--they were tiny, (probably no bigger than a can of soda), worm infested, and close to death. the owner of asha guesthouse bought them from the evil store owner for free with the purchase of the cage they were kept in--1,000 baht, (about $30). oh we also learned that they are sisters, but they will always be the bad brothers to us.
i give the bad brothers 10 out of a possibloe 10. their overall score is not affected negatively by their extreme BADNESS.

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