jewtown, cochin. we went to the synagogue that features prominently in salman rushdie's"the moors last sigh", but we weren't allowed to take any photos.

the south is so much more laid back than the north, we really loved it and definately prefer the easy lifestyle to the intensity of the north. it's just too hot for getting worked up about stuff. women seem to have it better in the south too, especially in kerela where they can run businesses and you'll actually see them out on the street a lot. i think this has an effect on the men, they're not so starey, cause they get to see girls all the time, and they're laid back about it, because chances are good they've talked to a girl outside their family before. you may think this is funny, but for real--in the north men and women don't speak to each other or even make eye-contact with one another. it's a serious creep-fest.
colonial architecture.
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